Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 16)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 16)
of a number of conceptual approaches pertaining to Third World social
formations. It also places a special emphasis on the notion of the
"Asiatic Mode of Production" which has enjoyed prominence and wide
Circulation in a variety of Marxist perspectives as a viable framework
of analysis (Avineri,1972; Saed, 1981; Gozansky,1986; Saed,1984), as
well as on the concept of the “Articulation of Modes of Production"
also widely adopted within the African context (Rey, 1982; Wolpe,
1980; Arrighit, 1970; Burawoy,1976). This critical examination of the
current literature, it is suggested calls for introducing an
alternative framework for conceptualizing the Palestinian experience.
The approach we adopt in this study, namely, historical materialism,
is not new in the Marxist quarters. It has been convincingly applied
in studying certain areas in the Third World, including India,
(Bagchi,1982; Chandra,1981; Patnaik,1983) and a ranze of Middle
Eastern economies (Saleh,1973; Barakat,1975; Abdel-Fadil,1988).
This, however, was not the case in studies on Palestinian
development, the overwhelming majority of which have been conceived
and carried out froman “Orientalist" point of view. A number of
critical scholars who have done extensive reviews of the available
literature on Palestine have highlighted the need for developing a
class perspective as a more appropriate method for analysing
Palestine's history (Rodinson,1981; Turner, 1984; Zureik,1981; Asad,
1979). In this context, it is hoped that our study will be a
contribution in that direction.
Our claim to originality in this study, however, rests upon the
empirical data presented in support of our theoretical propositions.
Before we proceed further, a note on the research techniques employed
in this study is worth mentioning.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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