Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 19)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 19)
to flowed methodologies and faulty conclusions.
The socio-economic and political changes which originated from
within Palestine's late nineteenth century economy, have reached a
historic turning point during the 1920s. Chapter Three examines’ the
effects of British colonialism and Zionist settlement in intensifying
Palestine's transitional processes. Emphasis here is placed on the
role of the colonial state and the Zionist Ideology in accelerating
the expropriation of indigenous Palestinian land and its peasants
thus, stimulating further differentiations within the peasantry.
This chapter provides a contrary view to the literature which has
dealt with the question of Zionist appropriation of land in terms of
‘land transfer' or ‘land sale and purchase' thus, neutralizing the
process and stripping it of its violent and essentially confiscatory
character. Far from being a conventional exchange or transaction, we
argue that the land transfer was in fact a process of expropriation
and that this process was carried out through political, legal and
other more repressive apparatuses. Drawing partly on the original
“sale documents' and partly on British official correspondence -
{including police reports- three cases of such ‘land transfers' will be
analysed and their consequences for the indigenous possessors/owners
highlighted. In one case, we shall also record the personal account of
Lord Caradon, who in his capacity as District Commissioner in the
early 1930s, witnessed some of the events of peasant expulsion. In
most cases of ‘land transfer', this chapter demonstrates that the
mediation of the colonial government, in both its legal and political
forms, was essential. Similacly, the government's harsh policies of
taxation, imprisonment and collective punishment were instrumental in
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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