Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 26)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 26)
the Oriental-European relationship was determined by an unstoppable
European expansion in search of markets, resources, and colonies: and
two, Orientalism had accemplished its self-metamorphoses from a
scholarly discourse to an imperial institution'." (cited in Turner,
1984:160). According to another author, one of the main fallacies of
the Orientalist approach to Islamic societies is that it is
"historically bankrupt” (Abdel-Fadil,1988:45).
Characterizing Third World pre-capitalist formations ina static
and ahistoric manner, however, is not limited to non-Marxist analyses.
Most Marxists accept feudalism as a dynamic mode of production capable
of generating social change from within; Marxists differ, however, in
their characterization of the pre-capitalist structures in Third World
formations. To date, most traditiona. and neo-marxists make use of one
of two major frameworks in their discussions of pre-capitalist
Structures: the "Asiatic Mode of Production," associated with some
traditional Marxists (Gozansky,1986; Amer, 1958; Saed, 1978; 1981;
Melotti, 1977), and the "Articulation of Modes of Production," invoked
by an increasing number of scholars (Rey, 1982; Wolpe,1980;
Arrighi,1973; Burawoy,1974;1976). Despite the differences in emphasis
which each framework places on the nature and character of pre-
capitalist economies, these concepts, as the following analysis
demonstrates, differ very little. The basic assumption of both is that
mre-capitalist “peasant" economies, are, on the whole, immobile,
static and incapable cf generating any significant change internally
The controversy surrounding the notions of the AMP and
"articulation" -particularly with regard to their historical and
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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