Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 40)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 40)
the first stage, capitalism interacts with the pre-capitalist economy
and establishes the initial link in the sphere of exchange. Here,
"...the nexus cf peasant production and local artisans is partially
replaced by the nexus of farmers and manufactures. But the artisan in
the countryside is not destroyed." (Rey,1982:44) Capital here remains
at the level of circulation and reinforces the pre-capitalist mode of
production, leaving the peasantry unaffected. In the second stage,
",..large-scale industrial capital...destroys the artisan class
entirely. Its penetration into certain branches of agriculture does
away with the need for small peasants." (Rey,1982:44)
The third stage complements the second: here " moves
further into agriculture and destroys peasant agriculture by
competition." Capitalism in this stage "takes root" -it predominates
over the precapitalist mode of production (Rey,1982:45). However, this
periodization of the stages of development is applicable, in full,
to feudal economies only. In the colonies, Rey argues, the path to
capitalism takes a radically different route. In contradistinction to
feudalism, non-feudal modes of production, are described as
",..filercely resistant to any capitalist development as they lack the
forces of evolution characteristic of the feudal mode of
production..." (Rey,1982:49-51). Capitalism in “...other modes of
production..." (i.e., other than feudalism), according to Rey, remains
in its first stage of development, since as it finds it "...impossible
to destroy the closed circle of the farmer and the artisan..."
(Rey, 1982:49). The only way to ‘develop' the ‘underdeveloped'
economies, it follows, is through the imposition of "external forces"
(Rey, 1982:49).
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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