Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 41)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 41)

Rey's position on this “external” force is ambiguous. In Cla
Alliances he refers to this force as "extra-economic coercive
measures," (e.g., the juridical~political role of the colonial state)
(Rey,1982:48). Yet, in an earlier article on transition in the Congo-
Brazzaville (1968), reproduced in English (1980), Rey identified the
"external" force as a "transitional mode of production," which
according to him, was independent from the capitalist mode and
different from the pre-capitalist one (Rey,1982:157).
Rey provides very little reasoning as to why non-feudal social
formations are perceived as necessarily stagnant and "resistant" to
change. Change in non-feudal formations, the model suggests, must come
from the outside because in these formations:
Capitalism can never immediately and radically
eliminate either the preceding modes of production
or, more importantly, the relations of exploitation
that characterize these modes of production. On the
contrary, it must over an extended period reinforce
those relations of exploitation whose development
alone assures that capitalism will be able _ to
extract goods or men from these modes of
production.." (Rey, 1982:XI)
In Class Alliances, Rey divides pre-capitalist modes of production
into two sets: the feudal mode of production and the non-feudal modes
of production. The non-feudal modes of production, which include the
"Asiatic" mode and “other modes of production", are characterized as
",..modes that have not accepted capitalist development without
outside intervention, because their own course precludes such an
evolution.” (Rey,1982:51)
The distinct course of non-feudal modes of production appears to be
Gerived from Rey's basic assumption that the "Asiatic" and "African"
or "lineage" modes of production,as he refers to them, lack
",..private property in land...," which seen by Rey as the
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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