Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 53)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 53)
social and historical force capable of changing its oppressive
reality. Despite its rural base, the emerging proletariat has
historically been involved in various resistance movements, including
class struggles. This was true in the Russian Peasant Revolution of
1905 (Lenin, 1963), as well as, more recently, in South Africa and
Palestine, as Chapter Six will demonstrate.
Finally, there is another vital objection to the simplistic
economistic approach of the articulationists, namely, their failure to
take into account factors other than economic forces (e.g., political,
strategic and ideological); these overiooked factors can be equally
important in the development of capitalism under colonial settler
forms of rule.
In specific historical junctures, non-economic forces might play an
equally important role in shaping and developing capitalism and,
consequently, effect the nature and character of the emerging
relations of production . The partial dependence of native African
labour power upon South African capitalism cannot be taken for
granted. The increasing role of South African union movements’) and
their pressing demands on capital, especially in the mine industry,
has triggered some sections within the Afrikaner working class to
advocate the total expulsion of native Black workers and their
replacement with White workers. This phenomenon acquires considerable
significance within the context of capitalist development under
Zionist colonial settler rule, where similar practices have
characterized capital/labour relations.
The suggestion that political forces had overwhelming effects on
the process of change in Palestine warrants further investigation and
will be dealt with in more details later in this chapter. Suffice it.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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