Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 65)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 65)
Chapter I
1) The concept Fallaheen (singl. Fallah ) is the Arabic word for
peasant. Chapter 111 in this work provides a precise definition of the
concept Fallaheen by delineating the various groups, classess and
conflicts characteristic of the Palestinian peasants.
2) The tendecy to overemphasize the role of the "“Musha'a" system,
often echoed by [Israeli and other Orientalists, Chapter 11 will
demonstrate, serves an ideological position on the part of the authors
more than it explains an empirical reality. Data provided in Chapter
11 will show that Musha'ta was not a form of land tenure nor a form of
production. It, rather, was a mechanism of land distribution confined
to one region of Palestine only.
3) For more on the emergence and role of the "Heads of Hamulas", see
Butrus Abu Manneh, "The Hussaynis: The Rise of a Notable Family in
18th Century Palestine" in Palestine in the Late Ottoman Period:
Political Social and Economic Transformation (ed.) David Kushner (Yad
Izhak Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem: 1986). Also, my Family, Women and Social
Change in the Middle East: The Palestinian Case (Canadian Scholars
Press, Toronto, 1987).
4) For a critique of the Dependency model, see, Jack Wayne and Hk.
Friedmann, “Dependency Theory: A Critique", in The Canadian Journal of
Sociology, Vol.2, No.4, Fall 1977 (pp.399-417)
5) I agree with other Middle Eastern scholars who argue that ‘in
order to formulate an adequate theory of social classes one must have
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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