Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 92)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 92)
region. A similar movement emerged in Palestine; heads of big Hamulas
largely stimulated by the Egyptian invasion of parts of Palestine in
the 1840s also began to acquire power and form their own armies’ to
fight the Turkish troops sent to ceriteol thelr areas (Mao'z, 1968).
An additional force for the decentralization of the power of the
Ottoman state was the "Iltizam" or tax farm ye red whereby the state
attempted to centralize power in its hands by assigning land to its
military and other administrative officials. The state sought to gain
more control over the production process throughout the empire while
at the same time using land as a form of payment for these officials.
The success of this system and its effects on the peasants varied
among the various countries and even among regions of the same
country. While, for example, in Egypt the Iltizam was widespread
throughout the 19th and the early 20th century (Barakat,1975;
Saleh,1979), its presence was observed less in Greater Syria and
particularly in Palestine.
In Palestine and Lebanon, one historian observed, the Iltizam was
not successfully applied because of the serious resistance the
Multazims (tax farmers) encountered from the local chiefs or heads of
Hamulas (Mao'z,1968). However, this did not prevent the emergence of
this system in at least one region in Palestine, namely the Jerusalem
and Nablus hills. In this case, neither the state military nor direct
administrators, but rather local heads of Hamulas held the role of
Multazims and functioned as the direct tax collectors in villages
within their district. The major Hamulas which emerged as powerful
landed proprietors during the Ilitizam were the Hussaynis and Abdel-
hadis (Firestone, 1975; Abu-Manneh, 1986).
Tne significance of the Iltizam was not in its intended role of
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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