Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 93)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 93)
centralization of power and wealth. As will be discussed shortly, to
isolate this system of prebendalism and treat it as a separate mode of
production as Turner (1978) does can be mystifying. In fact, according
to various writers, the Ottoman state attempt at using the Iltizam
system as a means to solidify its central authority was defeated.
Instead of functioning as state mediators generating revenue for the
Ottoman Treasury, the Multazims were able to assert their independence
from the state and in the process assumed full ownership rights over
the land given to them by the state, resulting in its further
decentralization (Owen, 1981; Barakat,1975). Commenting on this
phenomenon, Barakat observed: “The JIltizam which emerged as an
expression of the weakening of the central power and was offered toa
person in lieu of tax collection for a period of one year only, was
later given to people for an indefinite period of time. With the
further decline in the Ottoman economic and political power, the
Iltizam became transferrable, inheritable and saleable. In some cases,
Multazims, after paying a certain sum to the Treasury, stopped paying
any taxes to the state" (Barakat, 1975: 13-14). The Iitizam, in other
words, became a major factor in the decentralization of the Ottoman's
state power.
The real meaning of the Iltizam, however, was in the changes in the
relations of production it effected. Peasants whose land was put under
the control of tax farmers were turned into mere tenants. Under this
system, the Multazims extracted onerous taxes from the peasants. In
the case of Egypt, for example, the "Barrani", taxes extracted on top
of the tithe by the Multazims had in many cases exceeded the tithe
dues (Barakat,1975:14). This, it must be added goes against the notion
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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