Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 106)
- عنوان
- Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 106)
- المحتوى
major single export crcpn (15).
The development of production forces in these settlements was also
reflected in the forms of production relations at work. Most share-
croppers working for the Rothschilds received their shares in cash.
Money-rent, which according to Marx is the highest form of rent, was
the normal practice in these settlements. The more the peasant became
involved in the money economy the more his labour power as an exchange
value was sold and the less his cther means of production (i.e., tools
or animals) were necessary for his participation in the production
process. By 1890, one author observed, the 400 Arab families who lived
and worked in the settlement of Rishon Lezion were totally dependent
on wages received from the Rothschilds. In 1911, the same source
added, there were about 1,000 Arab workers temporarily employed in the
settlement of Petah Tekva (Kimmerling,1983: 44).
However, when share-cropping attaches itself to the pre-capitalist
economy without effecting new changes in agricultural techniques, the
system, to use Marx's words, can become a parasite sucking its own
blood. In these situations, surplus labour exploited from the peasants
is not used productively but rather as usurious capital. Dealing with
this issue, Marx observes:
Usury centralizes money wealth where the means
of production are dispersed. It does not alter the
mode of production, but attaches itself firmly to
it like a parasite and makes it wretched. It sucks
out its blood, enervates it and compels
reproduction to proceed under even more pitiable
conditions. Usury has a revolutionary effect in all
pre-capitalist modes cf production only in so far
as it destroys and dissolves those forms of
property on whose solid foundation and continual
reproduction in the same form the political
organization is based (Marx,Capital,III,pp. 596-97).
In the Marj and Beisan areas, share-cropping was less developed
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- Nahla Abdo-Zubi
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