Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 111)
- عنوان
- Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 111)
- المحتوى
stage was neither "feudal" nor "Asiatic" but rather an economy already
undergoing internal and external changes. These changes were
occuring simultaneously at the international, national and the
local/village level. By analysing the dynamics of pre-capitalist
Palestine this chapter demonstrated ‘chat Palestine was not an ‘Asiatic
Arab backward' society as Shlomo Avineri would like us to believe
(Avineri,1972) mor were the ‘natives of Palestine without genuine
culture or nationality of their own' as Ber Borochov claimed (Ber
Instead, this chapter has shown that the differentiation within the
Hamula which began in the second half of the 19th century has begun to
pave the way for its polarization. The heads of Hamulas who in the
process hegan to accumulate land, began to gradually assert themselves
as the new class of local landlords. Differences in wealth and socio-
political status began to give way to class differentiation within the
peasantry. I was these changes ~both real and potential- within the
socio-economic structure of pre-capitalist Palestine which served as
the basis for the destruction of Palestine's rural economy and _ the
transformation of its rural classes under British and Zionist
colonialism. Tnis theme will be discussed in the next chapter.
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- المنشئ
- Nahla Abdo-Zubi
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