Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 112)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 112)
Chapter 11
1- Most information on land tenure systems in Palestine presented in
this work depends on a relatively unknown document. Qawaneen al-aradi
zaman al-Uthmaneieen [The Land Laws Under the Ottomans] written in
1924 by Dueibis al-Murr, is the only original translation in Arable of
the Ottoman land laws. All published and unpublished British and
Israeli manuscripts up to date drew their information on the land
system in Palestine from the British translation of the Ottoman land
laws which appeared in, Frederic M. Goadby and Moses J. Doukhan, The
Land Law of Palestine (Palestine,1935). The English translation by
Goadby and Doukhan, according to al-Murr has many inaccuracies. We had
access to the Arabic translation through the personal library of one
land lawyer in the West Bank.
2- In his difata an-l-Judhur [defence of the roots], Fourant
estimates the size of Waqf land at 100,000 dunams. His book provides
ample documentation on the Israeli confiscation of Waqf land including
those used for Cemeteries and Mosques. Fourani, Difa'a.. [Defence ...]
(Haifa; Israel, 1980).
3- See Report on Immigration, Land Settlement and Development , John
Hope Simpson, (prepared for His Majesty Government) 1930, p.112.
(hereafter, "Simpson's Report"}.
4- See,al Amiri wa-l1-Miri fi nizam al-aradi fi-falastin {The Amiri,
Miri and their Meaning in the Land System in Palestine] is a
relatively unknown document on land tenure in Palestine. Translated
from [Italian into Arabic in 1936, this manuscript was written by a
lawyer priest, Father Talfakia al-Qanooni. The manuscript contains a
detailed account on the concepts Miri and Amiri and the confusion
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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