Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 114)
- عنوان
- Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 114)
- المحتوى
of Zionist Politics (U.of C. Press:1983) pp. 31-32.
11- In one of his manuscripts, Baer puts the size of Musha'a land at
70 per cent of the total size of Palestine's land. See Baer, G. " The
Economic and Social Position of the Village Mukhtar", in Ben Dor (ed.)
The Palestinians and the Middle East Conflict (Haifa University,
1976). Yet, in his earlier publication, he estimated the Musha'a land
by 1923, at 56 per cent only. See Baer, G., Preface to the History of
Agrarian Relations in the Middle East (in Hebrew) (Hakibbutz Ha-
Meuhad, 1975).
12- "Simpson's Report", 1930, op.cit., p. 21
13- Survey of Palestine, 1945~-46, p. 372.
14- The phenomenon of peasants fleeing the land under the crushing
weight of tax-farming system was also documented by Lewis. In his "The
Frontier of Settlement in Syria..", he observed:
(Tlhe pressure of the tax collector was..great.
Every traveller describes the crushing weight of
the tax-farming system. The peasantry were
taxed to, and sometimes beyond, the limits. A
draught, an attack of pest or disease,...-such
calamities turned the scale. A family, a group of
families, or a whole village, would abandon its
lands and flee to another village (bigger) or city.
Taxation according to Lewis remained heavy and inequitable
throughout the 19th century. It was made more burdensome with the
emergence of usury in the late 19th century. see Lewis, N. "The
Frontier of Settlement in Syria, 1800-1850" in Issawi, Ch. (ed.)} The
Economic History of the Middle East, 1800-1914 pp. 261-62.
i5- It was estimated that between 1862-1885, orange production in
the vicinity of Jaffa increased by 5 times. In 1887/88 Palestine
exported to England about 110 thousand cases of oranges. In mid 1890s,
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- Nahla Abdo-Zubi
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