Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 120)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 120)
and Lebanese were part of their countries’ legal and administrative
However, what was most significant about British mandate over
Palestine were the special clauses regarding the ‘Jewish national
homet. In 1917 a deal between the British and leaders of the Zionist
movement, known as the Balfour Declaration, was struck. In this deal
Britain committed itself to developing the economic resources of
Palestine in such a manner as to provide a basis for the establishment
of a Jewish national home (Owen, 1982:5).
The ‘Balfour Declaration’ was incorporated directly into the
Mandate, thus "providing an extra guarantee that they would be adhered
to both in London and by the local administration in Jerusalem"
(Owen, 1982:4). The mandate in this particular form had important
implications for the attitude of the British government in Palestine
towards both the indigenous population and the European Jewish
settlers. Thus, while it referred to the indigenous rights of the
Palestinians as religious and civil rights, the Mandate emphasized the
national and political rights of the Jewish people. Furthermore, the
Mandate excluded the indigenous people from taking any part in the
governing of their country, while at the same time providing the
Zionist Organization of Palestine an advisory status by considering it
as the authoritative spokesman for the Jewish settler community as a
whole (Stein, 1984:39; Owen,1982:5). Speaking on this point Gozansky
wrote that the Mandate was no more than "a pure colonial document",
the spirit of which was "one of co-operation between imperialism and
Zionism" (Gozansky, 1986:35).
In light of the fact that Palestine had no viable economic
resources to offer and that Britain's interest was geo-political and
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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