Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 121)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 121)
Strategic, the relaticn of co-operation between the British and the
Zionists requires some explanation.
It is logical to ask why the British would want a partner to. share
a colony with them ? This is not the appropriate place to provide a
complete answer to this question, however two important views are
relevant in this context. Some authors advance the argument’ that
Jewish settlement in Palestine was economically beneficial to
the colonial government. This explanation, which is based on
consideration of the short term economic gains of Jewish settlement,
argues that this settlement would not only be able to pay its own way,
but also would attract Jewish investment. Through tariffs, taxes, land
purchases and other measures it could also directly contribute to the
colonial revenue (Gozansky, 1986:Owen, 1981: Stein, 1984).
The other view point, while accepting the short term explanation,
adds another factor with long term implications. In this view, authors
stress the fact that the ‘Jewish national home' was no more than a
political euphemism for a Jewish state. According tc this view the
Zionist-imperialist co-operation had far more reaching strategic and
political implications. Referring to the Zionist role expected by the
British colonial government Stein writes:
The establishment of a Jewish national home was
part of the context within which his Majesty's
Government (HMG) was attempting to protect its
strategic interests in the Middle East. Maintaining
its presence in Egypt, assuring access to the Suez
Canal and the East, preventing French ambitions in
Lebanon and Syria from drifting south, and creating
a land bridge from the Mediterranean Sea to the
oil fields of Iraq all entered HMG'a calculus.
(Stein, 1984:7)
The creation of a European Jewish state in the midst of the pre-
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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