Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 122)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 122)
dominantly Arab Middle East, authors argue, legitimized and enhanced
the Zionist role and provided the imperialist forces with a reliable
ally in the region (Gozansky,1986; Said, 1978; Chomsky,1984).
Nevertheless, what is of particular concern for the discussion of
the expropriation of the Palestinian direct producers is the new
reality created as a result of the Zionist and colonial presence.
Primitive Accumulation and the Expropriation of the Direct Producers
In his “The So-Called Primitive Accumulation" Marx provides a
classic model for the expropriation of the cultivatcrs from their
land (Marx, 1978:667-670). In this model, Marx emphasizes two major
issues. On the one hand he argues’ that the expropriation of the
direct producers from their land provides the historical prerequisite
for the development of capitalism. "What the capitalist system
demanded", Marx says, “was, on the one hand, a degraded and almost
servile condition of the mass of the people, the transformation of
them into merceneries, and of their means of labour into capital."
(Marx, 1978:674).
In this context, Marx also outlines the extra-economic means used
in pushing direct producers off the land. Marx particularly stresses
the importance of the following phenomena: the sale of land at
"nominal" or "ridiculous" prices or even its relinquishment for no
compensation; the consequent massive expulsion of che “hereditary sub-
tenants" and the consolidation of their holdings into one unit; the
transformation of government laws into "the instrument of the theft of
people's land"; and "the ruin of former dwelling-houses, barns,
stables.." (Marx, 1978: 675-78). Marx asserts that this process is
characterized by the use of force and violence against the
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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