Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 127)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 127)
including vegetables, fig trees, olive trees and some citrus. Thus,
in a letter by Dr. Rupin, the head of the colonization branch of the
Zionist Organization and the head of the Palestine Land Development
Company (L.D.C) it is written:
Such purchases are scarce and very valuable. It is
impossible to £ind similar purchases at any
time... The purchases in Emek Yisrael [ The Marjl,
are very dear to us. They give us, in one stroke,
{[bivat Ahat] a large unit of more than 100,000d.
with the possibility of developing a large
settlement in this fertile and important valley.(8)
In another letter to Julius Simon, the head of the Zionist
Organization, the main branch in London, Dr. Rupin said:
There [fin the Marj] we have the opportunity to
buy one of the most productive and best situated
complex in Palestine.. (9)
Natural sources of water in the Marj were plentiful. The Marj had
two major natural wells; Ein Jaloud and Rihanieh in addition to other
small wells. In one village alone,that is, Nuris , there were 7 grain
mills which served Nuris and the surrounding villages and large
grazing areas which stretched around the Marj}.
The interest in the land purchase, as the documents show was
primarily economic. It was aimed at putting together the land
stretching over 20 villages into one large unit to be owned and worked
soleiy by Jewish settlers. On this matter, Dr. Rupin observed:
For our colonization we cannot buy smaller
unlinked pieces of land from the Fallaheen..We have
to buy large linked pieces of land from the big
land owners." (10)
In another letter by Hankin, the Palestinian Jewish merchant and
the major investor in the L.D.Cc., the intention to turn the Marj into
a big capitalist investment was made clear. In this letter it was said
that when all the Marj villages are bought, the land will be converted
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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