Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 142)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 142)
assessment of the payment was based on the average amount of tithe
which had been paid by the village during the four years immediately
preceding the application of the Ordinance. (43)
Unlike the previous tithe which was levied from owners’) and
possessors (i.e., in the two categories of Mulk and Amiri), the
Commuted tithe was imposed on " all reputed owners, meaning all
persons who receive benefits from the land whether it is his land or
not". (44) In other words,all agricultural direct producers, owners,
tenants or even rentiers were required to pay the new tithe.
The commuted tithe represented a real and drastic change from the
previous tithe. The older tithe was levied on the threshing floor and
varied directly with the size of the harvest. The new tithe, however,
was imposed as a fixed sum which was calculated prior to the
realization of the crop. It would not, therefore, take into account
such natural factors as low rain or locusts which might cause
disastrously reduced yields. (45)
More importantly, the aggregate sum fixed in the commuted tithe
was based on average prices calculated according to market prices
Guring the years 1924-27. This meant that any decline in market
prices after 1927 would necessarily be ignored. The decline in market
prices of almost all agricultural products between the period of the
price redemption (1924-27) and 1929-30 was markedly sharp. For
example, the average price of wheat during the redemption period
(1924-27) was 11.5 mils per kilo: barley, 7.7 mils: sesame, 24.8 mils:
dura, 7.5 mils and for olive oi1, 54.6 mils per kilo respectively.
While the 1930 prices for the same items were: 5.8 : 2.7 : 16.1: 3.1
and 30.3 mils per kilo respectively. The average fall in prices in
these 5S items was as follows: 44% for wheat: 59% for barley: 35% for
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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