Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 146)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 146)
my land in order to refund my debt of which I took
only a meager sum.
In conclusion the peasant added:
I firmly believe that if the tithes for this year
would not be abolished , many a fallah would die
out of starvation. If Government however would not
relieve the peasants this year, there will be no
cultivators next year to cultivate the land. (56)
Methods of Tax Collection
The heavy consequences of taxation for the rural population were
not confined to the effects of the increased tithe in its commuted
form. In addition, new methods of tax collection were also introduced
by the colonial state.
Until the late 1920s tithe collection was usually carried out by
the Head of the village or the Head of the Hamula. This method, which
involved a mediator, was deemed inefficient by the colonial government
which was in need for revenues. To increase its income from taxation
the government replaced the mediator with amore reliable officer.
In 1930 the government appointed officials partly from within the
village, referred to as Mukhtars, and partly from outside, for tax
collection. The number of Mukhtars appointed greatly exceeded the
number of villages. For an approximate number of 550 villages
throughout Palestine, in 1932, the number of appointed Mukhtars was
estimated at 1344, distributed as follows: 337 in the district of
Jerusalem: 369 in the Southern District and 638 in the Northern
District. (57) The large number of Mukhtars appointed to the Northern
District was needed to control the densely populated land in the Marj
and Beisan in which the peasants refused to pay taxes.(58) It must be
added that this colonial device plays a significant role in 4ividing
the colonized people. This, has been dealt with elsewhere. (59)
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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