Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 149)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 149)
The only way to do this is to place a guard during
the time ‘that threshing is going on. This guard
fully gives the impression that no crop may be
disposed of before the tax is paid. He is, of
course, kept at the expense of the defaulters, and
his wages are an additional burden. Rather than pay
these wages the defaulters often incur debt in
order to pay off the tax and get rid of the guard.
The impression therefore remains that attachment
could not be removed until the whole tax is paid.
In fact the villager finds a great deal of
difficulty in threshing, and then selling just a
part of his crop while attachment is going on at
his expense. To deal with a small crop in bits ts
not easy, nor is the disposal of it in small
quantities easy. It means a special journey to
town, where he may have to spend a day or two
before he can sell and get his many
cases, the only way out of it has been to incur
debt... (65)
The policy of "crop attachment" was even deemed exorbitant by some
British officials themselves. Responding to this policy, the District
Officer of Jaffa stated the following:
I feel it is my duty to mention a frank opinion
in regard to the collection of taxes in the
villages.. I believe that at least 50% of the
rural population, on account of their very small
incomes, which do not exceed P.L.30 per annum per
family of six persons, ought to be relieved from
all taxation. To such persons the price of crops is
immaterial,as they have practically nothing surplus
to sell..The villagers, have in these cases paid,
by allowing themselves to suffer privations or by
incurring debt..I am...thoroughly convinced that if
these villagers were to refuse payment amd say ‘we
are sorry, but we would pay if we only could' we
should find ourselves totally unable to collect the
taxes by legal methods. This is a point which
deserves the serious consideration of Government..I
submit therefore that it is essential that a
minimum be exempt from taxes with as little delay
as possible. The amount which these villagers pay
is not great, but in proportion to their income it
is excessive. (66)
As a result of the policies of "attachment" and "seizure" many
orders of seizure were imposed and the crops of many cultivators
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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