Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 153)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 153)
the Jewish Agency for Paiestine" submitted the following:
Tne restrictive measures which constitute the main
substance of Mr. French's report are objectionable
in themselves, and also inconsistent with the
assurances given by the Prime Minister that there
Shall be “as little interference as possible with
the transfer of land". These assurances have been
wholiy ignored by Mr. French, with whose
recommendations they are plainly incompatible.
The Administrative Committee therefore declares
that the French Reports cannot be accepted as a
basis of land policy tin Palestine or of
negotiations between the Mandatory Power and the
Jewish agency concerning land development.
The Jewish Agency is prepared to co-operate with
his Majesty's Government in working out a
comprehensive scheme of development for Palestine
based on the principles of the Mandate, for the
purpose of facilitating Jewish immigration and
colonization and the establishment of the Jewish
National Home and of promoting the general welfare
of all the inhabitants of the country. (74)
The Zionist influence on the British government proved to be
effective. No major changes in land policy were able to survive. The
draft on land legislation prepared by the High Commissioner was never
completed. In June 1930, it was reported that:
Representations were received from Zionist
sympathisers in this country in favour of the
postponement of the projected land legislation
until the general policy of the government had been
announced, and Sir J. Chancellor was instructed ,
much against his will, to shelve the Ordinance. He
referred to the Permanent Mandate Commission (cmd
3582) and urged that the Arabs would regard
postponement of the land legislation as a breach of
faith. (75)
Although the various reports were unable to effect new policies, in
themselves they were very valuable. The reports provided vital infor-
mation on the social and economic conditions of the Palestinian rural
population. Of particular significance to the discussion here are the
data on the indebtedness and impoverishment of the majority of the
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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