Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 157)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 157)
Table Two: Revised Calculations Showing Return to the Owner Cultivator
and to the Tenant based on average Market Prices July, 1930.
Gross Income From Selling
Agricultural Produce
Produce P.L
Wheat 11.564
Barley 1.752
Qatani 1.387
Dura 2.064
Sesame 1.304
Other 0.540
Total income from cultivation 18.611 (or an exact figure,18.600)
Fruit trees 15.00
Stock, Dairy-
Produce, Poultry 7.00
Grand Total
from agriculture 40.600
Cost of
Production 22.000
Taxes 6.800
Rent 8.200
Total Expenditure 37.000
Source: "Simpson's Report", 1930, op.cit., appendix 15, p. 175.
A comparison between the “average peasant" presented earlier (Table
one) and the peasant in Table Two suggests that the concept of the
"typical" peasant differs greatly from one researcher to another.
Despite his meager income, the peasant examined by Dr. Wilkansky
(Table one} appears more affluent than the peasant discussed by
Simpson. According to Simpson's calculation, (Table Two) the net income
of a peasant with a holding of 100d. is P.L.3.60. However, it must be
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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