Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 161)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 161)
Palestine throughout the 1930s and 1940s. An enquiry conducted in 1940
into 88 villages, embracing 4,385 male adults, and representing 19
percent of all aduits in the villages concerned, showed that all 4,385
male adults were indebted to one source or another. All these persons
together took out 6,629 loans. The loans were divided as follows:
4,385 or 66 percent of the loans taken from ‘co-operative societies’
at an official rate of interest of 9 per cent per annum: 839 loans
taken from banks and private sources at a rate of interest between 9-
12 per cent per annum; 1,234 loans taken from usurious sources at
rates of interest of 40,50,60 and even 100 per cent per annum and 171
loans were taken against security of mortgages on land at widely
varying rates of interest ranging between 8 per cent and 100 per
cent per annum.
The enquiry further revealed that 2,141 adults or 48.8 per cent of
all surveyed had concentrated all their borrowings in their local
credit societies; 2,244 adults or 51.2 per cent of the cases surveyed,
had a total income of P.L.466,799 per annum, or an average of P.L.208
per person. These adults were indebted to a total of P.L.248,780, or
an average of P.L. 111 per person.
The enquiry provided detailed information with regards to the
sources of loans for the 2,244 adults. According to it, loans taken
out by these adults from banks, co-operative societies and private
persons (rate of interest of 9-12 per cent ), totalled P.L. 127.840 or
an average of P.L. 57 per person: ‘unsecured loans at burdensome rates
of interest’ amounted to P.L.102,593, or an average of P.L. 46 per
person: and loans on mortgages amounted to P.L. 18,337, or an average
of P.L.8 per person. (77)
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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