Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 165)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 165)
Chapter III
1- In 1930, an estimate put the number of mortqaged farms at
covering an area of 190,125 dunams. This land was mortgaged for
512,000. See, " Confidential Memorandum by the Solicitor General",
CO 733/185/2, 1930.
27 Survey of Paiestine, 1945-46, Vol.1, p.247.
3- "Simpson's Report", in op. cit, p.16
4- [bid., p.16
S- Ibid., p.16
6- Ibid., p. 17
7- Ibid., p.17
8- "Tiodot Mi-Yemei Rashit Ha- Hityashvout ba-Emek" [Documents
the early days of Settlement in the Marj], S/50,file no. 3722,
Beit Shturman, collected in July, 1985.
9- Ibid., document no. 14 /2. (translated from German).
10- Ibid., document no. 4/2 (translated from German).
1ll1- "“Tiodot...." in opcit., 8/50, file no. 3722 , p. 6.
12- The villages included in the "sale document" were: Um-Qubai;
Sammouneh; Sufsafa; Gingar; Rub'a al-Nasra; Maa'lul; Nuris;
Jaloud; Tel el-Fir; Rihanieh and the unsettled case of Tal
13- A letter from Dr. Rupin to Julius Simon, c/o Zionist Organization,
March, 28, 1921, in "Tiodot...", op.cit., document no.14.
14- "“Tiodot...", op.cit., file no. 2723, p.5.
15- Ibid., 8 /(1-80).
16- A letter from Dr. Rupin.. op.cit., document no. 14
17- See earlier discussion, Chapter two, p. 15.
i8- "Simpsom's Report®™, op.cit., p. 42.
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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