Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 171)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 171)
Births 60.9 35.4 40.4
1928 Deaths 35. 12.1 18.9
Mort. 203.5 95.8 157.9
Births 57.74 34.06 37.84
1929 Deaths 31.67 11.79 17.93
Mort. 204.91 89.78 155.79
Source: “ Simpson's Report", Appendix S. p. 161.
Over a period of two decades, the Arab Palestinian population has
doubled: from 660,541 in 1922 to 1,196,824. See, Shlumit Carmi anda
Henry Rosenfeld "The Origins of the Process of Proletarianization and
Urbanization of Arab Peasants in Palestine", in Ernest Krausz (ed.)
Studies of Israeli Society, Vol. 1 (Transaction Book, New Brunzwick,
1980).p. 184
77- Survey of Palestine, 1945-46, Chapt. 1X, p. 367.
This Enquiry was conducted by Mr. Harri Viteles from the Jewish
Agency. Mr. Viteles , the General Manager cf the Jewish Central Bank of
Credit Institutions has conducted this enquiry to "demonstrate" a
Change in the culture and mentality of the Palestinian peasants. In
1930, the Same Viteles had the following to say about the
Palestinian's mode of thinking:
The great aptitude of the Jewish mind for economic
organization, backed by a democratically moulded
racial spirit and organized financial support,
naturally and without political intent threatens
the agricultural existance of this section of a
great race whose social tradition are an
obstruction on the road to economic independence
which credit societies offer.." (the emphasis is
original). See Blue Books/ Palestine (London:Kings & Sons,1933,)
p. 64).
78- "Simpson's Report", p. 69
79- Ibid., p. 70.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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