Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 176)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 176)
2- The Capitalists or Industrial Agriculturists:
This class which emerged in the late 19th century, and consolidated
its power during British colonialism, is the class of capitalist or
industrial agriculturists. It began with the Rothschild's enterprises
in the late 19th century and was further expanded to include more
capitalists, mainly from among the European Jewish settlers.
3-The Fallaheen (sngl. Fallah)
Most of the literature on Arab peasantry in general, and on the
Palestinian fallah in particular, the term "fallah" has been used in
the most abstract and general sense (Owen,1982; Baer,1980; Heller,
1980). For most authors, "fallah" refers to any person so long as he
or she has some direct relation to agriculture. This has the effect of
lumping together many distinct categories of agricultural producers.
These include; wage labourers, in particular ploughmen (Harratheen);
owners of land, including those who employ wage labourers on their
land; and share-croppers, whether they possess land of their own or
not (Saed, 1985; Stein, 1984; Baer, 1980).
In the absence of a comprehensive class analysis of rural
Palestine,the definition of the term fallah becomes more complicated.
An understanding of the full implications of the term necessitates a
discussion of (i) who is the fallah ? and (11) what constitutes a
fallah's f£arm?
Based on the unity of capital and labour, peasant production is
characterised by its incomplete relation to the market (Mann,
1982:14). Although the peasant is required to produce surplus in
exchange for tithes,rent or taxes (Wolf,1966:4),his production remains
largely that of use value for his and his’ family's personal
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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