Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 179)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 179)
Statistical Abstract of Palestine published in 19279 by the Keren
Hayesoud (Palestine Foundation fund) estimated the area at 10,170 s.q
miles or about 26,340,000 metric dunams. It is not so much the total
area of Palestine's land which has been the issue of controversy but
rather the cultivable or agricultural part of it. In 1930, two
estimates of the agricultural land were provided. The first was the
estimate of the “Commissioner of Land" and the second was the estimate
of the "Director of Survey”,
The Estimate of the Commissioner of Land:
The Commissioner of Land who was appointed by the Palestine
Government, and who worked closely with the Jewish Agency's Department
Of Agriculture and Settlement, estimated the cultivable land at
12,233,000m.d and the rest he found to be uncultivable. The
"Commissioner of Land" divided the land as follows:
Table One
Plain of Beersheba sub-district..... 1,641,000d.
The five principle Plains........... 5,216,000d.
The Hill country.......... cece eens 5,376,000d.
TOtal.. . wc ec we we eee wees cee ween tees 12,233,000d.
Source: "Simpson's Report", 1930, p. 22.
Tne Estimate of the Director of Survey
The Director of Survey, commissioned by Lord Passfield, the
Principal Secretary of States for the Colonies, conducted an
independent survey and gave an estimate of 8,044,000 4. as the total
cultivable land available in Palestine. The rest or 18,114,000d. were
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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