Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 180)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 180)
deemed uncultivable. The land was divided as follows:
Table Two
Type of Country Cultivable Uncultivable
(Dunams ) (Dunams )
Inhabited Hills............-. 2,450,000 3,674,000
Hill wilderness............-.. _— _ _ 2,738,000
The five Plains:
a:The Maritime Plain........ -2,663,000 555,000
b:The acre Plain............. 379,000 171,000
c:The Plain of Esdrealon...... 372,000 28,000
ad:The Huleh Plain............ 126,000 65,000
e:The Plain of Jordan....... 554,000 511,000
4,094,000 1,330,000
Total cultivable in the Plains and Hills...... 6,544,000
Beersheba area.... cece ececcce 1,500,000 1,700,000
Southern Desert.......0eee0% 8,672,900
Grand Total 8,044,000 18,114,000
Source: "Simpson's Report" , 1930, p. 22.
The difference between the estimate of the Commissioner of Land
(fable 1) and that of the Director of Survey (Table 2) is about
4,189,000d. This difference is largely due to different estimates of
the hill and the plain areas. The Beersheba cultivable land, in both
estimates, is more or less the same. For a small country like
Palestine such a difference cannot be ignored. This raises the
question of which of the two estimates is more reliable? To answer
this, an examination of both estimates is in order. This examination
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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