Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 188)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 188)
serious limitations to a class analysis of rural Palestine, a close
examination of Johnson-Crosbie's enquiry (Table 3) reveals some basic
rural class characteristics. Thus, category 2 in this table resembles
the previously defined class of Fallaheen Shibh Muu'dameer.. This class
covers 47.4 per cent of the total population surveyed, or 11,156
families. The fallah in this group possesses a parcel of land too small
to enable him to survive without resorting to wage employment. This
Class includes 1,103 families (category 2.c),who possess some means of
production other than land.
The second largest group in this table was the Fallaheen
Muu'dameen. This class comprises 29.4 percent of the total population
surveyed, 6,940 families. These were the landless peasants whose
survival totally depended on selling their labour power.
Cf particular interest here is the group which consisted of 23.2
per cent of the total population surveyed, or about 5,477 families.
The variable nature of this "middle class" or fallaheen Mullak is well
demonstrated in the table.
To lump all sections of this category together is a mistake. An
explanation as to why one group in this class, namely the 1,657
families who hoid 120-240d. each (category 2.a), found it impossible
to survive without selling their labour power, while the other 1,604
families (category 1.b) holding the same size of area were able to
Manage without wage labour is necessary. Neither in this table, nor
anywhere else in the Enquiry, was information provided with regard
to this phenomenon. This raises the questions of how much of this
land was being cultivated and of what was being produced on the’ land
which was under cultivation.
It is common knowledge that the production of cereal dominated most
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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