Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 198)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 198)
but not all, of this expansion was brought about by European (Jewish)
settler and non-settler capitalists. Consequently, the azvea under
citrus cultivation rapidly increased during thig period. The following
table demonstrates the increase in the citrus area for selected years
between 1922 to 1937.
Table 7
Expansion of Area Under Citrus Plantation for Selected Years
Year Area <n Dunams
1913 30,000
1922 32,000
1926 42,000
1930 110,060
1932 150,000
1933 200,000
1934 250,000
1935 278,90C0
1936 299,500
1937 299,500
Source: Figures for 1913-30 are based on International Labour Review,
1934, No. 6, Vol.XXX, p.808.; Figures’) for 1933-1937 are based on
Statistical Abstract of Palestine, 1937-38, p 379.
Table (7) shows that during the first decade of British rule,
i.e.,£from 1922 to 1930, land under citrus cultivation more than
tripled, and in ae period of 4 years only, from 1926 to 1930 it
expanded by over 200 percent. The figure for 1937 (299,500)
represented the highest for citrus land throughout the British
period. An approximate figure of 300,000d. was provided by the
Director of Survey as the maximum amount of land suitable for citrus
cultivation. (26) In ether words, all land suitable for citrus
cultivation was already exhausted by 1936.
Morecver, citrus production and exports also expanded. The
following two tables, show the amount a:d value of citrus export
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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