Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 202)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 202)
industry over that of the indigenous Arab can be provided. One such
source suggests that in 1936-37, out of a total of 11,408,964 cases of
oranges exported from the country, 6,855,003 cases or 60.2 per cent
were exported from Jewish groves and 4,244,000, or 37.2 per cent cnly
were expor‘ted from Arab groves. The remainder was exported by cther
groups (Brown,1937:142).
Moreover, the European Jewish citrus industry did not confine
itself to oranges only. With the application of capital and technolcegy
and the legai support provided through the "Tax Exemption Ordinance",
citrus, other than oranges also developed. By 1929 grapefruit and
lemon were produced in large quantities. Thus, in 1929, grapefruit in
the value of the P.L. 32,000 was produced. It rose in 1930 to
P.£4.50,000 ; P.L.92,000 in 1932 and P.L.108,000 in 1937 respectively.
Moreover, progress was also remarkable as regards Lemon cultivation.
Thus, froma value of P.L.4,000 worth of lemon produced in 1929
production rose to; P.L.10,000 in 1930; P.L. 40,000 in 1931; P.i.
129,000 in 1$33; P.L. 220,000 in 1934 and P.L. 534,000 in 1937.(29)
Further, capital and technology employed by the Jewish capitalists,
by far outweiched that used by indigenous’ Arab capitalists.
Experimental stations were established in various settlements,
demonstration plots exempted from taxes and supported by the
government were erected and seeds and chemical fertilizers were also
developed. All this had undoubtedly contributed to the quality and
quantity of thelr product.
In addition, marketing fecilities used by the Jewish capitalists
were highly advanced. Packing, shipping and marketing were handled
by two very large companies *Tnuva" and "Hamashbir*® which packed,
shipped and marketed about 70 percent of all produce. (30) Moreover,
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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