Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 208)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 208)
imported seed of China. (38)
It is quite legical to ask why a capitalist would import an
expensive commodity when he could use a locally produced cheaper one ?
The answer to this question, as will become clear in later chapters,
lies within the context of the overall history of Zionist settlement
in Palestine. This history, it will further be shown, was based not
only on colonial capitalist drives or immediate economic gains from
Palestine as a destined colony but more importantly on establishing
what the Zionist movement in Palestine sow as bases for a new
political reality, namely, the future "Jewish state".
It suffices, at this point to note that neither the goals of Jewish
settiement in general, nor this phenomenon -‘Jewish boycott of
indigenous Arab products'-in particular, was clearly understood by
official administrators during the colonial period. The Director of
Survey, Simpson, declared the case of boycotting locally produced
sesame to be "curious" and "beyonce comprehension" (39) and, in a
letter addressed to the Principal Secretary of State for Colonial
affairs, the High Commissioner, Chancellor, announced: “We are still
in ignerance as to why the Industry [Shemen] does not, as one might
expect, use the local produce...". (40) Ironically though, the ietter
was written as a direct response to the problems which were raised by
the Jewish boycott of Arab products.
The boycott of Arah or locally produced sesame meant the closure of
the only market for sesame producers. On this the High Commissioner
noted the following:
Sesame seed which is produced an
important local pzoduct...and it is essential that
a market should be fo2nd in order that fallaheen
may be able to obtain cash.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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