Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 219)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 219)
11- "Simpson's Report", 1930, p. 22
12- CO 733/200, File No. 80474.
13- “Simpson's Report", 1930, p. 55
14- [Johnson-Crosble Report], 1939, p. 21
15- In various cases, the Head cf the Hamula assumed the role of a
merchant, usurer and land owner. See my Family, Women and Social
Change in the Middle East: the Palestinian Case (Canadian Scholars
Press, 1987).
16- "Jewish Colonization in Palestine", International Labour Review,
1934, No.6, Vol. XXX p. 812.
17- Ibid.,
18- Despatch No.572, Ref. No. 6464, File No. 81559, p. 16 in CO
19- Calculated from Economic Organization of Palestine, Himadeh (ed.),
1937, p.255
20- in CO 733/183/9, Despatch No. 572, Ref. 6464/29, File.81559, p.i6.
21- Calculated from, Himadeh,Economic Organization .. op.cit., p.253
22- Extracted from Ibid., p. 259.
23-- A. Nabulsi was the biggest soap manufacturers in Palestine. For
more on his claims to the government, see enclosure 1V, No. 1118,
1933, in CO 733/249/9
24- Ibid.,
25- See “Testimony of the Archbichop Hajjar", in "The Royal
Commission Report,1936", pp. 64-65. Similar information was also
gathered in an interview with an elder Palestinian peasant who took
part in that meeting, (Rameh, August, 20, 1985).
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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