Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 226)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 226)
This deal made one Jewish writer comment:
The"TransEer Agreement" which was struck between
the zionist Organization and the Nazi government
under Hitler was the gravest national treason
committed by the Zionist movement...In this deal
the Zionist leaders proved that they prefer
colonialism over all other moral considerations.
(Gozansky, 1986:106).
Without referring to this particular incident, one Lebaneese
Marxist observed the following:
The Zionist movement is nothing but the
exploitation, for the profit of Jewish capitalists
linked to the aims of imperialism in the Arab East,
of the feelings of a people that has gone through a
great deal... the Zionists have traded the
unhappiness of their people for a commercial
undertaking and a colonialist platform. (5)
Yet, as further discussion will show, the exploitative aspect of
Zionist colonialism was not founded on economic basis only. Harsner
forms of exploitation expressed in the displacement and uprooting of
the indigenous population were also sought. For the time being, it is
the significance of the influx of European (Jewish) capital on the
Palestinian rural economy which will be dealt with.
The large sums of money brought to Palestine had great significance
for the Palestinian economy, both relatively speaking as well as in
absolute terms. One must be reminded here that these large sums of
money were brought to a peasant economy which by the early 1930s was
found to be seve ely impoverished and largely destroyed. In earlier
chapters it was shown that the average monthly net income of an
ordinary fallah barely exceeded 2-3 Palestinian Liras. In contrast
however, individual settlers brought with them over one thousand
Palestinian Lira each.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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