Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 241)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 241)
particularly the Maritime Plain.
In 1944, the Moshavot owned 90 per cent of the total land under
Jewish citrus plantations. They occupied 21,800d or 50 per cent of all
Jewish land under fruits other than citrus and 297,500d. or over 40
per cent of the total Jewish land under jrrigated fodder,
vegetables..etc.,leaving most of the land under less commercial anda
more extensive methods of cereal cultivation to other settlements. i24)
Agricultural production was highly specialized in the Moshavot. In
1939 a survey of 34 Moshavot revealed that out of a total area of
208,000d. occupied by these settlements, 46,000 dunams or 22.1 per
cent was under citrus production; 26,000 dunams or 12.5 per cent
under grape and 19,000 dunams only or 9.1 per cent was under
extensive cereal cultivation (cited in Gozansky, 1986:173).
The private nature of these settlements and the economic prosperity
they provided to their owners attracted many settlers. Whether wage
labourers or capitalist farmers, the population of these settlements
witnessed a sharp increase during the British rule as the following
table illustrates:
Table 4: Number and Percentage of Moshavot Population vis Total Jewish
Rural Population.
Year Total Jewish Private Settlements % Of Total Rural
Rural Population Rural Population Population
1922 14,140 11,540 82
1927 27,500 20,220 74
1931 37,240 27,740 75
1936 87,110 59,530 68
i941 J.11,250 63,240 57
1944 139,000 76,000 56
Source: Survey of Palestine, 1945-46, Chapter VII, p. 372.
In absolute terms, the number of people in these settlements
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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