Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 249)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 249)
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The Moshav:
The literature on the cc-operatives. as pointed out earlier, lumps
together the Moshav with the Kibbutz by highlighting the latter cnly.
This is despite the fact that the Moshav at least until the early
1940s, proved to be economically and demographically more successful
than the Kibbutz.
Land in tne Moshav, like that in the Kibbutz, was owned and
controlled by the Keren Kayemet which in turn advanced all means of
production to Moshav members. Members of the Mosnav usually came from
the better off sections of the working class or from the middle class
families. Work on the family farm was mainly done by family labour.
At the er' of the production process, the Moshavs Councils marketed
the produce and paid each family accerding to its produce. From the
cash obtained, each family was expected to cover its consumer needs
and pay its share of rent fees and other dues to the land owner.
After a certain period of residency if Families found themselves
capable of buying the land without depending on the Keren Kayemet they
could do so. In the process, families with better financial resources
than others were able to own their own property while at the same time
live in the Moshav. This was the case in the Moshav Shittofi
(literally,coliective settlements), referred to in the literature as
“the middle class' Moshav. In the Moshav Shittofi settlers privately
owned the land and exploited outside wage labour (Saed, 1985:120).
The Moshavs, both economically and demographically were more popu-
lar than the Kibbutzim. During British colonialism, the agricultural
pepulation of the Moshavs grew rapidly. From a total of 400 people or
just less than 3 per cent of the total Jewish agricultural population
living in the Moshavs prior to 1920, the relative population of the
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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