Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 253)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 253)
by carefully bringing up the rising generation" (Engels, 1977:124).
The experience of Segera,the first Kibbutz, which was built in
i908 on tne land of the Arab village carrying the same name provides
striking parallels to Owen's experience.
In 1908 a group of Jewish workers contracted the work in Segera for
a period of one year and established the first Kibbutz. This group was
collectively responsible for redistributing the work among ali its
members. No hired labour was employed. All decisions concerning
preduction, marketing, organization and s0 on were carried cut
collectively by the group. This experience, proved to be eccnomically
successful. At the end of the contract the group was able to pay back
all its dues and also make profits for itself (cited in Kayyali,
Although the group did not renew its contract and the Segera
experience was short lived, it, nonetheless, left its imprint on the
Zionist leadership and was considered an example to follow.
In the late 19th century the Kibbutz concept was also enhanced by
the fact that many Jewish settlers durina the time had fled economic
Giftficulties and socic~cultural persecution practiced against them in
Bastern Europe and Czarist Russia.
However, since on motivation alone, no socio-economic structure can
be established, the dreams of the early settlers never materialized.
Partly due to the fact that Jewish colonial companies at the time
were not interested in this form of enterprise and partly due to lack
of f£uncs and political commitment on the part cf the Keren Kayemet,
the Kibbttz concept did not initially flourish.
As amatter of fact, it has been reported that the first attempt
at establishing a Kibbutz which involved the Keren Kayemet in 1913 was
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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