Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 259)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 259)
The Kibbutz; A Social Utopia
Unlike the Marxist principles of scientific socialism, the
Kibbutz's socialism was, similar to that of Owen's experience, utopian
in nature. But, contrary to Owen's experience, Kibbutzim were not
created as anti-capitalist er non-exploitative societies. Nor were
they created as safe or peaceful refuge for victims of wars and other
forms of repression. On the contrary, the Kibbutz mission as perceived
by its main "Zionist-socialist" pillars was mainly to build a
generation of "£ighters" (Ben Gurion, 1971; Tabenkin, 1983).
Socialism in the Marxist sense which is expressed in terms of
socializing the means of production and creating a classless society
was of very little importance for "Zionist-soclalist" leaders. Classes
and wage labour were always viewed as necessary for the development
of the Kibbutz. In a speech addressed at the anniversary of one
Kibbutz, Ben Gurion was quoted as saying:
The value of Kibbutz is in its collectivism rather
than its struggle to achieve equality... .equality
is against human nature; men are not equal and
therefore they have no equal rights. (cited in
Tabenkin, 1985: 51)
Ciass inequality was bound to develcp further with the
industrialization of the Kibbutz which began as early as 1930s. The
pheneumenon of hiring outside labcur in the Kibbutz or members hiring
themselves out was present during the British rule (Golomb,1i9374:181-
195). Writing on this, Criden and Glebb said:
In the 1930s the rejection of hired iabour was
severely threatened... the industrialization of the
ribbutz has resuited ina shortaqe of Kibbutz
labour. .. (Criden and Glebb, 19374: 13)
With the further development of the Kibbutzinm, and especially
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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