Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 260)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 260)
after the creation of the state of Israel, industrialization and the
hiring of wage labourers both from within and frem outside the Kibbutz
became indispensable to the existence of ali Kibbutzim. Rosenfeid
observed that "class..differentiation in the Kibbutz occurred as
early as 1951" (in Rayman,1981:83). By 1959, it was reported that 20
per cent of the total income of all Kibbutzim was drawn from
industrial enterprises, which employed both Arab and Jewish labourers.
In the same year the Kibbutz industrial wage labourers made up 7 per
cent of the total industrial labour force in Israel. (39)
Gender inequality in the Kibbutz, as various writers admit, was
always a serious problem without a solution. Women continued to be
relegated to household related functions, such as kitchen -dining room
work, baby houses, children houses, etc., while men worked in
factories, agricuiture, Kibbutz administration and the army (Rayman,
Also, racial exploitation was a structural feature of the Kibbutz.
The exclusivist policy of selecting the Kibbutz members did not only
affect the indigenous Palestinians. Racism was also practiced against
the "Sephradic" Jews (Jews who immigrated from Arab countries).
Kibbutz members, Spiro pointed out, despised Arab Jews and often
referred to them as "Shechorim", i.e., blacks (Spiro,1972: i109).
The Kibbutz: A Settler Colonial Society
The Kibbutz was established not as a means to transform an existing
social order but rather as a means to create a new political order.
The Kibbutz served as the embodiment cf the Zionist ideology of
conquering land and labour. Cooperation and socialism, in the Zionist
lexicon were synonymous with the colonization of land, labour and the
market in Palestine. (40)
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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