Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 262)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 262)
rights on the upper Galilee. (in Rayman, 1981:33)
The fact that the European Jewish settlement in general and _ the
Kibbutz in particular was a colonizing and imperialist movement was
not disputed by Zionist leaders. Writing on the Kibbutz as a
colonizing movement, Tabenkin said:
We were the pioneers to work on the sea.None of
our members were born sailors or fishermen. Yet the
very fact that we were a colonizing movement, made
us realize that Jews do not require only the land
but the sea as well. We have to conquer the sea
with our fishing boats and our merchant ships. Only
thus can the country be protected from the sea.
Moreover, under the title "Our Imperialism", Tabenkin wrote:
-.--How does the Kibbutz.."Imperialism" manifest
itself? It is through sur striving to always be the
first to tackle any hard or dangerous job. The
Kibbutz..never neglects any pioneering prospects.
This is why our Kibbutzim were the first ts settle
by the sea, start the fishing industry, join the
(British] police force, work in the stcne quarries
or in Sdom (the lowest spot on earth), where the
temperature is unbelievably high, and where salt
and other minerals... We were imperialists in that
ours was the initiative tc organize illegal
immigration and to do everything in order to
enhance the prosperity of the country and of our
collectives at the same time.. The power of our
Kibbutzim is not measured by their numbers but in
their places on the map...(Tabenkin, 1985: 61-62)
The Kibbutzim played a major role in furnishing political
leadership and military bases for the Jewish state. By carefully
selecting theixy members, the Kibbutzim accorded special priorities
to the Jewish intelligensia from the “Achkenazi" (European) origin,
who were considered as the true representatives of "Zionist
The Kibbutzim were rapidly turned into bases from which most
Zionist leadership was drawn. This trend became more obvious after the
establishment of the state of Israel. Members of Kibbutzim, as Rosen
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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