Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 265)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 265)
resources and labour power were subjugated and made heavily dependent
on the developing economy.
The relationship of exploitation between the two eccnomies, as this
chapter has revealed and as will be further elabcrated in the next
chapter, was the prime mover in the changing history of Palestine.
While the dialectical relationship of domination and subordination can
be attributed to all social formations experiencing capitalist
development through a colonial power, the Palestinian experience
remains historically specific.
In the ccGlonies, the subordination of the colonized economy
eventually leads to its full dependency on the colonial capitalist
economy. This is equally true in the case of settler colonial
formations. As the South African and Rhodesian cases show, the native
pepulation in both economies were turned into reservoirs for cheap
labour exploited by the capitalist economy (Wolpne,19589; Arrighi,1973).
The colonial settler experience in Palestine demonstrates rather
different characteristics. The economic subordination of the
indigenous Palestinian working classes to the Eurcpean Jewish
Capitalist sconomy formed only cone aspect of the deveiopina economic
Structure. The other aspect of the developing structural reality was
the exclusion of the indigenous working classes from the dominant
capitalist economy. Contradictory as this relationship of
exploitation/exclusion might appear, it was this precise relationship
which characterized the Zionist colonial movement in Palestine. A
better appreciation of the nature and implication of this phenomenon
requires further investigation into the social and class relations in
the labour market. The sixth and £inal chapter in this study will
address this issue.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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