Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 267)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 267)
Belrut, 1970), pp. 58-64.
12) Article 3, of the 1928 “Exemption from Taxation Ordinance"
stipulates: "No tithe shall be payable on the preduce of any land
utilized for the purpose of agricuitural instruction or research and
certified as such annually by the competent authority". see CoO
Moreover, the "Rural Property Tax 1933" exempted from taxes ail
newly established buildings for industry, all experimental and
developmental land and all land with newly planted fruit trees. see CO
13) "Simpson's Report", p. 80.
14) Ibid., p. 76.
15} See a despatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the
High Cmmissioner, dated March 1933 in CO 733/229/10. Also in CO
733/229/10 file no. 576. 4
16) In his Zionism and Territory, Kinmerling suggests that
government's land vpolicies throughout had vafoured Arabs over Jews.
According tc him: "..from 1921 many government land tracts were
allocated to Arab and only a minority (about 20 per cent) to Jewish
settlement and industry". He further adds, "until the end of the
1930s, Jewish land purchases did not harm a large stratum of Arabs,
but rather represented a potential threat and created an impression
that Jews hand the ability to buy everything". See Kimmerling, Zionism
and Territory (University of California, 1983), p. 36.
Kimmerling assumptions, it must be noted are baseless. In fact data
suagests the contrary. By 1946, 1,807,300d. or 28 per cent of the
total agricuitural land in Palestine was in the hands of European
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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