Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 268)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 268)
Jewish settiers. Of this, an estimated 175,CG88d. were directly leased
to them, for long periods, by the state. About 100,000d. or 57 per
cent of the “state land", in fact, did not belong to the state.
The official terminology used to describe this land was “land with
titles not yet settled", meaning that the state has not yet been able
to prove that the land does not belong to its owners. On this issue,
oneé government official wrote: "all state land under titles not yet
settled contain large areas which at iand settlement may be found not
to belong to Government".
tn contrast, however, during the same period the fallaheen received
17,591d. only, under long term lease. Government land policies at the
time were, in fact criticised by its own officials who in 1945 stated:
"The Jews have a substantial advantage over the free disposal of
Government land. see Survey of Palestine, i945-46, Chapt. VII,pp. 267-
68; Chapt. IX, p. 372.
17) See a despatch by Luke, Officer Administering the government, to
M.P. Amery, September 29, 1929 in CO 733/160/14.
18) "Government Role in advancing agriculture in Palestine", in Co
733/264/17. In another despatch by Luke, an Officer Administering the
Government, it was written that ‘the Jewish villagers' administered by
the Zionist Organization prefer to take the loan in cash and make
their own arrangement..". See "despatch..", dated 26/9/28 in co
19) Survey of Palestine, 1945-46, Chapt. IX, Table 6 p. 379.
20) Ibid., p. 378. Until late 1940, dairy farming made up two thirds
of all agricultural production excluding citrus. See abu-Rjeyli, al-
ziraa‘ al~yahoudieh.., op. cit, p. 137.
22) Commenting on the phenomenon of the displacement or take over of
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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