Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 275)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 275)
capitalist economies, arguing that the two sectors developed
independently. The second approach posits a direct relationship
between both economies.
Adherents of the first approach argne that the Jewisn capitalist
economy established itself in total isolation from the indigencus
traditional peasant economy (Ohana,1979:i1981; Eisenstadt,1974: 1985;
Ben Porat,13386). For these authors there is no question of the Jewish
capitalist sector having exploited the tndigenous peasants. If
anything, they argue, the Jewish capnitalist economy benefitted
{Indigenous Palestinians by opening up employment opportunities and by
exchanging Jewish capital for indigenous Arab land. (1) Even “liberal”
authors such as Kimmerling believed that this was indeed the case. He
comments: "Indeed, the Arab social and economic structure? did benefit
considerably from Jewish presence” (Kimmeriing, 1983:59).
The so-called independent Jewish entity in Palestine is explained
by one prominent Israeli scholar as a product of what he calis "the
absorbing society" (Eisenstadt, 1958). Early Jewish settlers,
Eisenstadt writes, created an independent Jewish entity because of
their strong will. These settlers were equipped with Zionist
(socialist) ideals,most notably the ideal of Jewish self reliance, and
were therefore able to prepare the settlement for future Jewish
immigrants (Bisenstadt,1958:387).
This account, as various Israeli critical writers have pointed out,
was and continues to be the most common Zionist or Israeli official
belief. In theix The Rich Familles, Frenkel and Bichler provide a more
comprehensive account of the perpetuation of the “myth about the
Israeli society". Their account of this romanticized version of Jewish
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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