Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 280)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 280)
this question authors imply that the migrant labour force created ang
reproduced by colonial capitalism 13 necessarily passive and dociie.
Burawoy, for instance, states that by employing migrant workers the
Capitalist can avoid potential economic losses, due to strikes and
other work disturbances usually associated with unionized labour
bodies (Burawoy, 1974). This position, it will be argued, is
inaccurate since it exaggerates the extent to which repression can
effectively work, while at the same time, underestimates the reali
power of the labour force in challenging repression.
The recent history of the Labour movement in South Africa is proof
of the inadequacy cf this approach. Despite the imposition of a state
of emergency there, the labour movement in South Africa proved to be
poth ececnomically and politically powerful. In 1987 alone South
African industry lost about 9 million work-hours because of iabour
unrest. Moreover, the political power of the Black working class has
become a real threat to white rule. For example, in June, 1986, 2
million to 3 million workers were able to defy the two year old state
of emergency imposed on them by staging a nation-wide strike demanding
radical economic and political changes. (2)
As this chapter will demonstrate, the same phenomenon occured in
Palestine. Strong resistance by the indigenous Palestinian peasants
and working class was widespread throughout the colonial pericd. fMThe
machinery of repression empleyed against the indigenous Palestinians
has been successful in facilitating the reproduction and expansion of
capitalism. However, this same machinery failed to suppress’ the
political will for resistance among the working population.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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