Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 284)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 284)
between 1931-33, the dally wage paid to an Arab agricultural laborer
was 80-120 mils for an average of i0 hours a day, compared to 175-200
mils received by a Jewish laborer doing the same job for 8 hours
only. (9)
In the Jewish private settlements, Arab workers were given the
lowest paid jobs while the more skilled, better paying jobs were
reserved for the Jewish workers. An examination of the wages) of
Jewish and Arab workers in 1929 reveals the following: Out of all
Jewisn workers employed in the private settlements, the majority or
61.7 per cent were pald 200-299 mils per day; 18.4 per cent received
150-199 mils a day; 15.4 per cent received 300-499 mils per day; 2.6
per cent received 450 mils and over, and only 2.2 per cent of the
Jewish agricultural force received the daily wages of 0-149 mils. (10)
In contrast, for the same year the highest daliy wage paid for an Arab
agricultural worker was 250-300 mils per day. This was paid to tractor
mechanics, a job held by very few Arabs. (11}
Arab workers in almost all cccupations were paid much less’ than
Jewish workers. Wage differentials were a systematic phenomenon
throughout the economy during British period. The following tables
show the differences in wages received by Arab and Jewish laborers
between 1931 and 1938.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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