Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 286)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 286)
* Average daily working hours, for an Arab worker is 8 to 10, while
for a Jewish worker fixed at 8 hour.
In all occupations with both Jewish and Arab labourers,the Arab wage
was at least half ci .iat received by the Jewish worker. In
Yunskliled" construction labour * ce ine majority of Arab workers
were concentrated, the average daiiy wage received by an Arab worker
throughout 1931-38 was 156 mils, compared to 294 mils or over 188 per
cent more received by the Jewish labcurer. (Table 1) Considering the
fact that the Arab labourer spent an average of 2 extra nours on the
Job, the rate of wage discrimination and consequently of the Arab
labourer's exploitation was even higher.
A striking phenomencn in this table was the rate of discrimination
in some low paying Jobs such as cigarette packing. Due to the low
wages paid in this industry Jewish maie workers shunned this
occupation. This industry, therefore, predominantly employed
indigenovs Arab male and female workers who out of sheer economic
necessity were forced to consider any job offer. A1936 report on the
largest tobacco factory in Nazareth which had about 400 workers
revealed that most workers were composed of "Arab children, women and
elder men". (12) According te the Report, workers in this factory
spent, in average, 13 hours per day, receiving an average of 50-70
Mils a day. This is consistent with the average rates of wages tobacco
women workers received between the years 1931-1933. Statistics for
these three years reveal that the daily wage of an Arab woman in
tobacco leaf sorting averaged 70 mils for 10 working hours per
day, compared to 130 mils paid for a Jewish woman doing the same job
and working for 8 hours a day. (13) Arab women workers were exploited
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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