Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 297)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 297)
normal wages if only they could find work. (29) The severity of
unemployment among the Jewish labour force, furthermore, ‘ed the
General Federation cf Jewish Labour (Histadrut) to rescrt ta
providing cheap food services to its labouring population. The
phenomenon of "Jewish labour kitchens" was widespread in most Jewish
settlements. On this one report stated:
The Jewish labour Kitchens are alleviating the
plignt of Jewish labourers by supplying them with 3
meals (a day) at a cost of only 50 miis as compared
with 100-156 mils during the earlier period. (30)
If Jewish unemployment was serious, as the preceding data show,
why then was it ignored by the official literature? The decision to
conceal information about unemployment was politically motivated. [In
fact, Gata reveal that the Histadrut authorities intentionally
concealed information on unemployment and silenced other labour bodies
who attempted to reveal] it. In a secret dispatch sent by the British
Central Intelligence Department (C.I.D) in January 1936 the following
was reported:
The Histadrut are endeavouring to conceal the
true state of affairs in connection wath
unemployment among Jews... Speakers at public
meetings often touch upon the subject of
unemployment and the Histadrut endeavours to stop
the speech or persuade the speaker to change’ the
subject... During the month of December it is
understood that at least five Jewish firms were
forced into bankruptcy." (31)
And, in another document:
It is reported that the Histadrut is reticent
regarding the existing state of unemployment, and
fs concealing employment figures, despite requests
to make them known by the Poale-Zion Party. (32)
Concealing unemployment data was deemed necessary by the Histradut
in order to encourage further settlement and carry on in the building
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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