Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 302)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 302)
operated on the premise that, unlike the civilized and organized
Jewish workers, the Arab workers would be content with a lower
standard of living. These acts were justified by the colonizers’ view
of the colonized. British and Zivnist literature contains ample
references to concepts such as "peasant culture", “backward people"
and "traditional mined population", all of which were used to justify
these policies. (41)
For instance, ina confidential letter by the Resident Engineer at
Haifa Harbour Works, to Dr. T. Drummond Shields, General Secretary of
State for the Colonies, the following reasons were given as to why
Arab workers were assigned to temporary and daily work with a daily
wage of 150 mils compared to the 250-500 mils paid to Jewish workers:
1) No Jewish worker wants to take a daily job; 2) No Arab workers are
given piece work; 3) Jewish workers deserve a higher pay for their
"leading hands and skilled workmen..... The Arabs are satisfied with 9
hours of work.. and want even more...".
In conclusion the Resident Engineer wrote:
The “natural bent" of the Arab is , as you are
probably aware, to work from sunrise to sunset, and
I believe that in this country to work an 8 hour
day would be undesirable and uneconomic... (42)
Racial or national discriminatory policies were even more severe
when employed by t’e Zionist authorities in Palestine and particularly
by the main Jewish labour agency, the Histadrut.
The Histadrut: A Racist Colonial Enterprise
A detailed account of the Histadrut's profit oriented character and
its difference from other labour unions known to the West, has been
provided by the author elsewhere. (43) For the purpose of this
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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