Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 306)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 306)
government employers. Composed of unemployed or new settlers looking
for work, these"Labour Guards“ were often engaged in disrupting the
labour process and attacking both Arab workers and Jewish employer.
The following incident took place in K£ar-Saba settlement
(previously the Arab village of Milabbis) :
On Nov. 20th, 1933, a dispute arose in Kfar Saba
at the grove of Mr. Rapaport, who had sold his
fruit to an Arab merchant. The conditions of sale
provided that Jews should be employed for all work
in the groves, but that the fruit would be
transported (unpacked) to the menrchant's packing
house where his own labourers would do the packing.
Mr. Rapaport applied to the Labour
Office of the Federation of Labour for fifteen
labourers to pick fruit.Fifteen Jewish labourers
arrived at the grove and worked for two hours) on
Nov.19th . On instruction from the Labour Committee
these labourers then left the Grove. Mr. Rapaport
was informed by the Committee that, unless his
fruit was packed by Jewish labour no Jews would be
allowed to work in his grove.
Mr. Rapaport replied that he had to abide by the
contract of sale..On the morning of Nov. 23d, about
40 members of the Federation of Labour formed a
picket at Mr. Rapaport's grove...When the first
lorry loaded with unpacked fruit arrived at the
gate of the grove, its further progress was
obstructed by the picketers. The police who were
present, ordered the picketers to disperse, but
this order was disobeyed...Some of the picketers
then ....returned towards Kfar Saba. On their way..
they met two [Jewish] farmers and assaulted them.
One of the farmers was slightly injured, the other
more seriously...Later in the morning...a number of
labourers approached the house of Mr. Rapapert..and
threw stones and other missiles, breaking three
Attacks on Arab workers was reported in almost all agricultural
settlements. (51) Harrassment of Arab workers by Jewish "labour
guards" was also reported in various construction cites with Arab
employees. (52)
In another incident in late 1934 it was reported that "Blood was
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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